Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chuck The Chicken

The Rules for Chuck the Chicken are:
Split your players into two teams. The goal of the game is to earn your team points. 

Team A starts off with possession of the rubber chicken. They form a line and pass the chicken from the back of their line to the front in the following manner - through the legs of the next person in line, then over the head of the next person, then through the legs of the next person, and so on. 

Team B starts off by having a player run around and around the outside of the group of Team B players. For each full circuit of the group, the team earns one point. When the chicken reaches the back of the line of Team A the person at the back of the line yells "CHUCK THE CHICKEN!" as loud as they can and throws the chicken as far away as possible. Then the person who 'chucked the chicken starts to run laps around the group, earning Team A points. Then the process repeats.

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